AUTHOR : medjoolexporter
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Prevention of osteoporosis Date milk is a tonic drink that can protect bone health Dates contain amounts of selenium and magnesium, which are essential for bone growth and strength, and milk is rich in calcium, which prevents osteoporosis. Aid in digestion Milk solves some digestive problems, including constipation, and the fiber in dates improves digestive […]
AUTHOR : medjoolexporter
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According to traditional medicine, milk has a cold nature, and its consumption is not good for people who have a cold temperament, and it is better to consume it with Pengedar Kurma Malaysia, which have a warm and moist nature, or honey. Dates are a source of important minerals such as iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus […]
AUTHOR : medjoolexporter
COMMENTS : No Comments
Dates are always considered as one of the main energy supply options for daily activities and sports. Dates contain mineral salts that are essential for athletes and are recommended for before and after training due to the presence of protein and iron. Due to the wide area of date cultivation in Iran, many types of […]